F1GP-Ed Registration
F1GP-Ed is SHAREWARE, which means you are expected to register if you find
it useful. Look at it this way, could you live without F1GP-Ed and go back
to playing with slow cars and 1991 colour schemes? I rest my case :-) I do
hope you'll register - literally thousands of hours have been spent on
developing F1GP-Ed!
Secure Credit Card Transactions
How to register
Register online right now using your credit card (VISA, MasterCard, American
Express or NOVUS Discover) via RegNet by filling in
this form. The registration fee for online
registration is US$ 15 ($3 of which goes to RegNet).
You will need a web browser that supports SSL.
NOTE: You will be charged in US DOLLARS. This will usually be converted by
your credit card company at the date of processing. If ordering from
outside the USA, please check exchange rates to gain an accurate idea of
your actual landed cost. As of 1 November 1999, US$ 15 is roughly
equivalent to 9 UKP or 28 DM.
If you do not have a credit card, or do not want to register online for
some other reason, you can still register via snail-mail. See the
registration section of the documentation for details.
What you get when you register
You will be shipped a disk by First Class / Air mail. The latest version of
F1GP-Ed will be on this disk, along with your personal keyfile which will
enable all the features (and remove annoying requesters) in this and future
versions of F1GP-Ed. If there's any space left on the disk, I'll fill it
with some other F1GP related information / programs. You are not allowed
to give, lend or sell the keyfile to anybody else! If you'd also like me
to e-mail your keyfile to you, please e-mail your PGP public key to me. I
won't send key files through e-mail without encrypting them using PGP.
Users who specify an e-mail address have the option of receiving free
F1GP-Ed/F1GP news including notification of when new versions are released.
Also, I can e-mail new releases to you
automaticaly a few minutes after release via a MIME encoded LZX archive -
note that these messages can be quite large and may not be accepted by all
e-mail systems.
Limitations of the unregistered version
A requester will appear whenever you start and exit F1GP-Ed, reminding you
that you should register. Also, some of the features are disabled
- Palette, car setup and lap record editors
- Some of the memory patches
- All of the "Other" windows (i.e. sound, graphics, backdrops, stats
and the calculator)
- Saving to / loading from memory
Page design by Oliver Roberts - Copyright © 1994-1999, All Rights Reserved.